GDPR Webinar

What is GDPR and How does it affect My Business Online? Presented by Heidi Richards Mooney, Founder – Women in Ecommerce and President Redhead Marketing, Inc.


In this FREE Webinar, Heidi will discuss The New GDPR – General Data Protection Regulations and what it means to your business.


Date: Wednesday, May 30th

Price: FREE

Heidi Richards Mooney, Founder of Women in Ecommerce will share a quick overview of this new regulation and how it has everyone in a tizzy scrambling to get it done before the deadline (May 25th). She will talk about the cost of not taking the GDPR seriously, what is needed to comply and some simple solutions to get your sites ready in less than an hour without having to do a lot of research or spend several hundred dollars doing so.


This is a quick presentation (under 30 minutes). Participants will have time to introduce themselves and meet other participants.


Everyone who registers will have access to the REPLAY.  Members will have access to the editable files of a Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy, Terms and Conditions Policy and the Request for Personal Data Form.


 This is an on-demand Webinar and will be posted in the Replays section of Women in Ecommerce today.