WECommerce News (aka eMonday News) & WE Magazine for Women
WECommerce News is a “Brief” report that is typically published bi-weekly. Each issue is filled with information to “help our readers do more business on and off the WEB.” Featured columns include New Resources by and for our Members, eCommerce Tips and Resources, Interviews, New Launches and other items of interest to women on the net. WECommerce News is sent via email twice a month.
If you are a Member of the Women in Ecommerce, you may submit announcements about your company or organization: This can include events, surveys, new products and services, membership opportunities and other newsworthy items you feel would be of interest to our members (see submission guidelines below).
For a SAMPLE ISSUE, see: WECommerce News January 13, 2012 . You can also CHECK OUT OUR NEWSLETTER ARCHIVES .
When you subscribe to WECommerce News you receive two FREE Special Reports (E-mail Marketing Strategies” and “Why You Need an Internet Presence) and an Audio Brief (Components of a Good Website Design) just for signing up! By the way, we will NEVER rent, sell or give your information away. NEVER!
“E-mail Marketing Strategies” and “Why You Need an Internet Presence”
Here are just a few comments from our readers:
“Hi Heidi, I wanted to thank you for the opportunity to be included in the Monday enews brief! The first day it went out, I was blessed with a new client! Not only that, but we are going to exchange web-links to assist one another in gaining more exposure. It has only been a couple of days and already joining Wecai has already blessed me in many ways!”
– Paula Picard, Psychic and Spiritual Teacher, www.paulapicard.com
“Heidi, I am a fan of your WECAI newsletter… it has been so helpful to me as an author – and I love telling others about it at some of the conferences where I speak.”Kare Anderson – Say It Better CenterR, LLC
“Thank you so very much. I will put the link to the newsletter in my blog, on my yahoogroup, in my newsletter and in some communities I am involved with.” My best, Kathleen Gage (WECAI member of the month)
“What a great resource for us web-gals. I’m really looking forward to learning, sharing and growing with all my fellow web-mates. It’s a great place to network and gain insights into the latest trends.” Kris Reed – Your Source for Artisan Foods
“There is a lot of vital information in your newsletter that is helpful to other business women in many important aspects of each business. Everyone is important in a business not just the ones who make the big money or hold the titles. I am happy to see that you are conveying that message.”
Eddie Morrow
“I love your organization and this newsletter!” Karen Caterson – www.square-peg-people.com
We accept the following:
Member to Member Products and Services – If you wish to announce your product or service, it must include some ‘benefit” or discount to be considered for inclusion in WECommerce News – if you wish to offer a % off for members, or a complimentary session, then we will consider it a member benefit. They could include:
- If it is a BRAND NEW product or service, we may consider it under the New Launches, section.
- Notices of workshops, teleclasses, and other educational sessions which may be of interest to our members.
- New book announcements (written by our members)
- Launch announcements of new not-for-profit or non-profit organizations
GOLD Members may submit one announcement a quarter (up to 50 words with a link to more information or your website)
PLATINUM Members may submit a message once a month (up to 50 words with a link to more information or your website)
Only members may submit messages for inclusion in eMonday. All other submissions will be considered “advertising” and a fee will be required for inclusion.
To be included in a particular WECommerce News issue, we must receive your announcement the week prior to publication (no later than Friday).
Please do not send news to include in future issues. If you do, we cannot guarantee your news will be included in the issue you intend it for.
WECAI™ editorial department reserves the right to edit announcements and choose which announcements to post.
All decisions will be final.
Submission guidelines:
Your submission must be submitted in English.
Submissions must be sent in plain text to News (at) WECAI.org.
Please send your news in the Body of your message. Attachments will NOT be accepted.
Subject line should say WECommerce News Announcement
You may include an email or website address where interested parties can go to for further information. Any submissions that do not meet these guidelines will not be considered.
*There is currently no charge for this service. Submissions will be posted based upon space availability on a first-come, first included basis.
Please note: Submission Guidelines for WECommerce News are subject to change without notice.
Advertising in eMonday News:
Gold and Platinum Members may include one FREE ad (plain text) in the WECommerce News Brief quarterly (space available).
Ad size: up to 250 words maximum (with no graphics).
Ad space is limited to 3 advertisements per issue.
Send your plain text ad in the Body of the email with WECommerce Advertisement in the subject line to NEWS (at) wecai.org.
No attachments will be accepted.
Member rate: Ads may be purchased at a rate $19 per issue – based upon space availability.
Non-member rate: $29 per issue – based upon space availability.
To place an ad order, send a message to new (at) wecai.org with “WECommerce News Ad” in subject line. A PayPal link to purchase the ad will be sent to you (provided there is available space in the issue requested).
In addition to WECommerce News, Women in Ecommerce™ publishes WE Magazine for Women (quarterly). WE magazine is filled with articles on topics of interest to women including interviews with Ordinary Women Living Extraordinary Lives (Women on a Mission, Women in Business and Women on the Move Channels) and topics ranging from technology to relationships to entertaining, lifestyle more. WE Magazine is THE Magazine by, for and about ordinary women leading extraordinary lives. You can bookmark WE magazine for Women website/blog at www.wemagazineforwomen.com . *Members are eligible for FREE Advertising opportunities in upcoming issues. You do not have to be a member to submit articles for consideration. Read our editorial guidelines for more information.