One way of promoting your website and product is as close as your computer and its free. As an additional bonus, this “free” method can add to your database and in the long run boost your sites and sales, adding to your bottom line.
It’s writing articles, one of the easiest ways to promote your website in order to generate traffic and increase your earnings.
How can article writing boost traffic and income?
The articles you write can be submitted to sites like Medium , LinkedIn Pulse and many other sites. If you write them correctly, with a call to action, readers can then decide to click on the link in the call to action and visit that link (which could be your site, an optin or lead page or even your social media channels).
As the list of your published articles continue to grow appearing on different websites, the number of links to your site also increases. Search engines place a great deal of significance on incoming links to websites which helps them decide how important a website is to others.
The more incoming links the website has, the more importance search engines attaches to it. This helps to increase your website’s placement in the search results.
If you site promotes a product or service, those links can turn into visits to your site which in turn can create more customers for you. Even those visitors only browsing may some day need what you offer.
Search engines do not just index the websites, they also index published articles. They also index any article that is written about your own website’s topic. So once someone searches for that same topic, the list of results can pull up your site or your articles.
Which is why the most popular, relevant websites (high ranking sites) have lots of focused content, many times in the form of articles and blog posts.
Article writing can also establish you as an expert and thought-leader in your industry.
8 Tips to write your article:
- Brainstorm article ideas and write them down
- Create a list of resources your reader wants and/or needs.
- Write a top ten list – people love lists and they have a greater chance of being saved and shared.
- Write in bullet points – bullet points are easy to read, digest and act upon.
- Take an idea and expand on it – it could be an idea from a previous post you wrote or an article written by someone else.
- Do product reviews – side by side analysis of products are often searched for and appreciated when found
- Tell a story with an ending that leaves the reader wanting more. Make that “more” a link to something of value you either give-away or sell.
- Create a clear call to action to get the reader to do something once they are finished reading your article. It could be to subscribe to your newsletter, a link to read similar content, buy something, etc.
8 Tips to promote your articles:
- Submit them to free article sites
- Set up your articles to automatically post to your social media channels
- Ask for help from your circles – ask your friends to share your article links
- Make it easy to share your blog posts with social sharing buttons
- Add a synopsis of your article to your newsletter with a link to read more
- Add a link to your article in your email signature file
- Use social bookmarking sites like Digg, Reddit and Stumbleupon to promote your articles
- Write and submit how-to articles to relevant websites such as Instructables , WikiHow , eHow and .
If you plan properly and execute those plans, you can become an effective writer with a strategy for getting your writing read.
Well written articles full of content and useful information will help build your list as more subscribers will be willing to sign up. When visitors read that type of content, they are more inclined to take action, to do as you suggest.
If you have been struggling creating content for your website or blog, or find it difficult to find the time and space to write, we can help! Check out the new HER PLR Library here: