Read what our readers and contributing authors have to say about participating in the GET SERIES™ eBook Projects:

“The internet is exploding. It is exploding among users, over 70% of Americans now use the internet and over 40% have high speed access. It is exploding for business. Over $150 Billion of retail transactions will be conducted on the internet in 2006 and over 120 Billion searches will be conducted. Unlike marketing in the past, when you are marketing your businesses on the internet you can target web searchers looking specifically for your goods and services, and you can utilize specific strategies to build a permission based business relationship with these visitors to your website. Heidi Richards, and the members of the Women’s eCommerce Association have written a great set of articles on the leading strategies and tactics for driving more traffic to your website, and converting those visits to leads or sales.”
Jay Berkowitz, Author – “Ten Golden Rules of Internet Marketing”
“Congrats to Heidi Richards and the 20 other experts for creating GET MORE BUSINESS – after reading the eMarketing Guide to Promote Your Products and Services on the Internet, I can say that it does what it claims “gives you the tools and information to more effectively promote your company, your organization and YOU. GET MORE BUSINESS is easy to read and filled with advice and tips you can put to use TODAY. With 25 stand-alone chapters on various subjects relating to Marketing, you can begin where you are to create a more compelling marketing plan. If you want to know about ezines, start with Chapter 2, if you want to know about writing articles, chapter 25 is the resource for you. Thanks Heidi, et al for this exceptional resource.” Keith Fletcher, President – MarketScan USA, President – Florida Direct Marketing Association, President – American Marketing Association South Florida
“‘GET MORE BUSINESS’ is an amazing arsenal of valuable information on making marketing work. The easy-read format, filled with timely tips and how-tos based on proven experience from experts in the trenches, makes this a must-have resource for anyone in business today. Learn from the pros how to avoid the mishaps that challenge every business while gleaning ‘insider insights’ into what really works to maximize profits and success.” Rosalind Sedacca CCT – Sedacca Associates Marketing & Public Relations
“Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will you build your business in one day either. For entrepreneurs and small business owners, everywhere, “Get More Business,” the e-book written by Business Field Experts, will answer and solve all the complexities and problems associated with setting up, running, and maintaining your business at full throttle. Each expert thoroughly explains with templates, URL’s, examples, and step-by-step methodology on how to get your small business where it needs to go to compete in the twenty-first century. Chapters to be on the lookout for are: Press Releases and Media Business, Search Engine Optimization, Mastermind Groups, Teleclases, Surveys, Virtual Networking, and Resources. “Get More Business” is an e-book to pick up and sit down with a pot of coffee, and slowly digest each and every chapter. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither can you build your business into a success in one day, but “Get More Business” certainly improves your odds and chances of beating out your competition, and ranking higher in the buying public’s search engines.” Lillian Cauldwell – Internet Voices Radio
“As a web entrepreneur, I find that time is at a premium and budgeting is a constant concern. But the time spent reading Get More Business! The Women’s eMarketing Guide to Promote Your Products and Services on the Internet actually ended up saving me time and money. Your e-book is broken down into easy to read chapters offering advice from seasoned professionals on topics such as search engine optimization, press release and media basics, and improving efficiency. It’s also loaded with hundreds of resources that helped me tweak my marketing plan to achieve better results on a small budget. This ultimate guide on e-marketing is a must read for every small business owner who wants to have entrepreneurial success.” Sheila Hull – Sunrise Imports
“Get More Business is a great resource for increasing traffic to your website …the quintessential eMarketing Guide to promote your products and services on the internet. This is a must-have for anyone looking to increase their revenue and get a firm grasp on marketing their products and services on the internet.”
Barbara Theodosiou, Founder – Mommy Mentors
“Hi Heidi, You have done it again! You are just bound and determined to make it easy for us to be successful. This e-book is amazing. I need more time to fully integrate all of the ideas that I can readily put into use. Thank you so much. I am so glad that I have met you on my journey in my life.” Shirah Penn
“The ebook looks great, and there’s a wealth of information in it; I’m sure recipients are going to love it. And I’ll look forward to hearing about next year’s conference.” Fern Reiss –
The new ebook GET MEDIA SAVVY is a fantastic resource, clearly written, and easy to follow. I have had the experience of having two different PR firms on retainer over the years that I have owned businesses, and know first hand that the information is exactly right. The difference now is that I can do all the promotion myself with the help of this book and the tips and links that are provided! Congratulations on a wonderful and helpful ebook to all business owners!Dr. Sally Witt – Breakthrough Coach/Hypnotherapist
When I first started reading, “Get Media Savvy” I quickly recognized the table of contents even got my attention. Then I began to read the pages and almost on every page, I learned something new about media, pr or marketing. This guide is full of great tips, strategies and techniques to help any business owner “get media savvy”. Teresa Morrow, Owner of Key Business Partners – Virtual Assistance & Online Promotion for Coaches, Speakers & Writers
I found the book easy to read, understand. I liked the, common sense, approach to promoting your business. The steps are do-able, for those who have mustered the
courage to start a business. I hope to apply some of the steps to promoting my second novel, Unfriendly Game. Marcella Glenn
Just read the new book, ” Get Media Savvy.” Short and to the point, it’s a book I would buy. So many well known and knowledgable people sharing their information. What’s not to love. Gets an five star review from me. Thanks for yet another great and useful product. Bea Kunz Sage Hill Farms
Contributing Authors:
“Heidi, Being part of GET RICH! The Woman’s eGuide to Building Wealth” is like having your cake and eating it too! How rewarding it is to be able to give to so many others while receiving so much in return!” Much success and happiness to you, Tree Franklin,
You can read volumes about wealth building but nothing beats speaking with real women about real solutions, as we all enjoyed at your WEALTH SUMMIT-GET RICH. Keep up the great work, because of you we all have better “Mental Wealth.” Adriane G. Berg, international speaker and author of “How Not To Go Broke at 102: Acheiving Everlasting Wealth, John Wiley & Son, founder Wealthbuilder Longevity Club
“Thanks, Heidi, I can imagine the many hours you put into this project. I still am in awe.” Jo Condrill,
“Hello Heidi, I’ve just finished reading the GET RICH! eBook. It’s great!! Thank you for including my Chapter Article.” 🙂 Sincerely, Irena Whitfield
“Hi Heidi: Wow! Great job, as always. Appreciate all the effort that went into this.” Rosalind Sedacca, CCT,