Women in Ecommerce is delighted to announce the 2015 Golden Mouse Award Honorees. The Golden Mouse Award was created in 2012 to honor local women in South Florida who are actively involved in their industries, the community and have either implemented or taught some form of technology as part of their professional responsibilities and/or operated or held a leadership role in a profitable businesses/organization using on the web as a primary means of promotion for at least two years. To learn more about the event visit: https://wecai.org/golden-mouse-awards-new . To register visit: https://wecai.org/celebrity-experts-auction/register .
Peggy Nordeen, Starmark Marketing – Lifetime Achievement
Rixys Alfonso, CauseMo Marketing, LLC
Ellen Bristol, Bristol Strategy Group
Lisa Buyer, The Buyer Group
Rita Barreto Craig, Top Tier Leadership
Nancy Whalen Eichler, Brownie Brittle
Terri L. Hall, Doubletake Studios
Evie Hernandez, XoomIM.com
Dawn Maslar, Author
Cristina Monge, CruiseOne & Cruises, Inc.
Laura Park, PrivateScubaLessons.com
Martha Sanchez, MAS Universal, LLC
Laurie Woodward Garcia, Kaylin Printing & Promotions
Carolyn Zaumeyer, Ignite Payments Pink
If you are in South Florida and would like to join us, be sure and visit our Golden Mouse Awards Registration to learn more about the event taking place October 29, 2015 at the Tower Club in Fort Lauderdale – honoring 15 (fifteen) women in Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach Counties for all they have done for and in their respective industries and their community.
Nominations are now CLOSED for the 2015 Golden Mouse Awards, – to nominate someone for the 2016 AWARDS see our Nominations Form .