If you’ve never written web content before in any capacity, it’s time to get your feet wet. Don’t be afraid. All you have to do is write one article.
Here in just a few easy steps, is the article creation process. When you publish articles within a specific niche, you build your credibility within that niche. Articles are the means by which people build an online presence and create info products to sell.
[tweet_box design=”default” float=”none”]So, here are the steps to publishing an article to help get you found for your area of expertise.[/tweet_box]
1.Think of a commonly asked question that relates to your niche. Then, write an article that answers the question in a few simple but pertinent paragraphs. The article should be about 400 to 600 words, but it can be shorter or longer depending on how much there is to say.
2. Break up your article into key points. To do this effectively, it helps to think of your article content as a list. You can do “5 steps,” 7 tips,” “5 reasons,” or some other list type of article format.
3. Add an author bio or brief summary of your company that briefly describes what you do and how you may be able to help your reader. The author bio should be about 2 to 3 lines. Include a link at the end of the bio.
4. Finesse your article’s title. In the title of the article, include common words that will help it get found by people searching Google or another search engine.
5. Publish the article on its own page of your website. Again, utilize keywords when saving the file using a unique name. An easy way to do this is to just use a shortened form of the article’s actual title, separated by dashes. Don’t forget to choose and copy the article’s title into both the page title and the H1 headline of your article text. If you have a subhead for the article, it, too should contain keywords, and you should code it as an H2 headline.
6. Link to the article using keyword links, from various other pages of your site. For example, you might have a page that’s entitled Articles, where you share the title and intro paragraph of each article you’ve published. You can also keep a library of links that you update on the home page or another area of your site.
BONUS: Be sure you include a signature file or mini bio at the end of your article linking back to your website or online resource you wish to promote.
Here are 4 places to submit articles online (these are not “article banks” they are highly regarded resources of information visitors are searching for).
Medium – a place to read, write, and interact with the stories that matter most to you. Every day, thousands of voices read, write, and share important
Self-Growth – The Online Self-Improvement Community
Quora – Quora is a place to gain and share knowledge. It’s a platform to ask questions and connect with people who contribute unique insights and quality answers
Hubpages – HubPages is a network of sites where people write about their passions!