Women in Ecommerce Blog Editorial Calendar

Thank you so much for your interest in Women in Ecommerce™! Especially in our content and our community. Our mission is to help women do business on the web and to that end our goals are to bring you content you can use immediately to reach YOUR GOALS!

It occurred to me that we needed to have some sort of schedule for our readers so you know what to expect on what days. So I have come up with an editorial calendar to which you can refer.  Just a little disclaimer, while we intend to honor and follow these days topics keep in mind if pressing news happens we may deviate from this schedule. Also if there is something new in ecommerce that we feel you simply have to know right away, it too may take precedence over our editiorial calendar. And finally if our members have information to share with the entire group that is timely we may include that on our blog in place of the scheduled topics for Women in Ecommerce™. We appreciate your taking time out of your busy day to read our postings and more importantly to share your own resources with us. (Click the Read More for the calendar)

Women in Ecommerce Blog Editorial Calendar:

Monday ~ Monday Resource a day to post new resources we discover online. They will be posted here and then archived in our business resource section 

Tuesday ~ Tuesday Tutorials will appear on Tuesdays on the Women in Ecommerce Blog. These are hands-on step by step visual resources you can follow along and implement immediately.

Wednesday ~ Events for the following week will be posted on Wednesday (and other days of the week).  If you have an event that the Women in Ecommerce™ audience would be interested in, please let us know! In addition or in lie of articles we will also post our bi-weekly WECommerce News newsletter with a link to read the issue on Wednesday or Thursday depending when the newsletter comes out.  

Thursday ~ is Article Day. We will be posting articles submitted by our audience of members and readers on Thursday. Articles will pertain to anything regarding the Internet such as internet marketing, search engine optimization and marketing, website optimization and design, social media, and more. Feel free to submit articles to our blog by contacting news (at) wecai.org with WECAI Blog Submission in the subject line.

Friday ~ Friday is Recognition Day on Women in Ecommerce™. We will be highlighting members, sponsors and other supporters of Women in Ecommerce such as global organizations with which we partner.  We will also post events and more articles on Fridays.

Saturday ~ is Share a Success Day. Saturday is similar to Sunday in that it is a free-for-all day. Anything goes on Saturday.  Have a good story to share? A success you had or someone else you know? Maybe you closed a big deal and would like to showcase it to our audience? Have a marketing tip that worked especially well in your business. Today is a great day to Share Your Success!  Send your Share a Success Story to news (at) wecai.org with WECAI Share a Success Submission in the subject line. 

Sunday ~ Free day: Content will be posted as needed on Free Day.  Also content that is posted on Sundays can be on any of the above subjects mentioned. 

This calendar will also be archived in our Business Resources Section for easy access! 

 We look forward to great years of knowledge sharing, networking and community building together.

 Heidi and the Women in Ecommerce™ Team!