6 Day SEO Mini Ecourse is on its Way

Thank you for signing up for the 6-Day SEO Mini Ecource.

You should begin receiving your ecourse immediately and every other day for the next 12 days.

Be sure to whitelist “news @ wecai.org” so you don’t miss a single day!

Here is a recap of what you can expect:

In this six-day mini ecourse, we will be covering the following:

     DAY ONE. The SIX essential on-the-page SEO factors

     DAY TWO. The FOUR essential off-the-page SEO factors

     DAY THREE. Link-building tips for Leveraging your SEO

     DAY FOUR. Web 2.0 SEO SUCCESS Secrets

     DAY FIVE. MORE Web 2.0 SEO SUCCESS Secrets

     DAY SIX. How to Boost your Conversion Rates (Ranking highly is not enough, here’s how to convert your visitors into sales!)

Each day you will receive a a lesson that will help you with your Search Engine Optimization.

If you have any trouble or do not receive a lesson, miss a lesson or simply have a question, feel free to drop us a line.

If you have suggestions for additional courses or would like to submit a course to Women in Ecommerce for review drop us a line.

Send a message to news @ wecai.org with SEO COURSE in the subject line and your comments in the body.

Best of luck to you…
