Women In Ecommerce Announces Golden Mouse Honorees

Heidi Richards Mooney

For immediate release

Women in Ecommerce™ Announces Golden Mouse Award Recipients for 2012!

Fort Lauderdale, FL (July 13, 2012)— The Florida Chapter of Women in Ecommerce™ is pleased to announce the honorees for our First-Annual Celebrity Experts Auction and Golden Mouse Awards Ceremony taking place on September 27, 2012. The Golden Mouse Award has been created to honor local women in South Florida who are actively involved in their industries, the community and have either implemented or taught some form of technology as part of their professional responsibilities or have maintained a profitable businesses on the web for at least two years.

This year’s honorees are:

• Kerting Baldwin, Director Media Relations Memorial Healthcare System
Corporate IT Award

• Susan Berkman, Chief Executive Officer, Research-Ability
Online Research Award

• Rosana Santos Calambichis, President, Big Chef
Retail Commerce Award 

• Sheryl Cattell, Founder, South Florida Interactive Marketing Association
Association Marketing Award

• Dale Filhaber, President & CEO, Dataman Group Direct Mail & Telemarketing Lists
Direct Marketing Award

• Lynn Griffith, President WelcomeEvents.com
Mobile Marketing (APP Development) Award

• Kandee G, President & CEO, Nothing But Good News Media
Digital Publications Award

• Charly Leetham, President, AskCharlyLeetham.com
*Website Design Award

Video Marketing Award

• Julieann Scalisi, Vice President, Global Education – Citrix Systems
Global Learning Award

• Catherine A. Minnis, MBA Founder – The Minnis Group
Social Media Marketing Award 

• Conni Gordon, Author, Speaker, Artist, Trailblazer
Lifetime Achievement Award

Heidi Richards Mooney, Founder of Women in Ecommerce™ and Event Chair says, “The Florida Chapter is delighted to honor these outstanding women in our Community. These 13 women represent several industries and communities from Palm Beach to Miami-Dade. Each woman has a giving spirit and a depth of knowledge that makes them role models women can look up to and learn from. These women are not necessarily well-known in South Florida (yet), but they are well-known and highly regarded in their companies and industries in which they work. Their experience and contributions to their professions and their communities made them the perfect candidates to be recognized at our newest signature event, The Golden Mouse Awards.”

About Women in Ecommerce: For more than ten years, Women in Ecommerce™ has been helping women do business on the web by providing educational events, seminars, webinars, conferences and teleclasses via our website and social media platforms. We have a diverse membership of women from all walks of life representing 54 countries worldwide. Our members are professionals, educators, etailers, retail businesses, work at home moms, direct sales representatives, affiliate marketers, online sales professionals, auction site sellers and resellers, web designers, and other technology experts.

For more information about the Golden Mouse Awards, visit http://GoldenMouseAwards.net . For more information about Women in Ecommerce™ visit www.WECAI.org today! To participate in or learn more about the event, contact Heidi Richards Mooney, Event Chair at 954-625-6606 or email her at heidi@wecai.org.

* The award for Website Design is being given to the creator of the Women in Ecommerce™ website. She resides in Australia and created the entire site without one in-person meeting. A table has been purchased in her name and she will have representation from other clients in South Florida as well as members of Women in Ecommerce™ – we will be livestreaming her acceptance the evening of the event.