If you are looking for a way to make extra money on your website without creating new products, Women in Ecommerce™ recommends you read this article when deciding which Affiliate Marketplace to sign up for and begin promoting products.

Paydotcom v. Clickbank Which is the Best Affiliate Marketplace? by Rachel Nielsen

I have spent hours researching the best way to make money fast online and have settled on affiliate marketing. There are dozens of affiliate marketplace sites online. This is in addition to direct affiliate links to various products. It is overwhelming and difficult to know which to choose.

Since I am a “newbie”, I started by focusing on Clickbank.com which is recommended by most affiliate programs. While I like Clickbank and it is a great marketplace, I was having trouble finding products that I really was interested in promoting. Most of the advice available online to newbie affiliates recommends that you should find something you are interested in or that you are comfortable promoting. I wasn’t having the best of luck with Clickbank. While some of their commissions are very high, a lot of their products either have a lot of competition or low sales. The “popular” (high sales) products also tend to be money-making schemes which are difficult to determine as legitimate or not.

So, I started looking for alternatives and I found Paydotcom . In my opinion, Paydotcom is one of the best affiliate marketing sites out there! It’s free and you can start earning money instantly. You can earn commissions from 5% to 80% by linking customers to your favorite choice of products and services in the PayDotCom marketplace. I like that Paydotcom tells you exactly what your commission will be, unlike the percentage that Clickbank mostly gives you. You can determine which products are worth your time to promote.

Within minutes of joining their network, I found dozens of products that I could feel good about promoting and which were relevant to me. Paydotcom pays top commissions and their program is extremely easy to use. You also get paid instantly through PayPal rather than waiting for two weeks for a check from Clickbank . Clickbank also holds back a “return allowance” of 10% for 12 weeks.

In addition, they have their won affiliate program now that pays you cash just for sharing the site with people like I am doing with you. They give you cool tools like BLOG WIDGETS, and they even have an advertising program to help you get traffic to your site.

What are the benefits of Paydotcom ?
-FREE to join
-A wide range of choices of products to sell
-Get paid instantly through PayPal, no waiting for checks
-No pre-approval
-All commissions are paid and no money is held back
-Stats Tracking
-Promotional Tools available

Fast and easy with the potential for huge profits, it is my opinion that Paydotcom is one of the best affiliate marketplace sites out there. Don’t waste any more time like I did. I recommend that you start promoting your products now with Paydotcom!


Article source: Article Alley http://www.articlealley.com/article_1462828_7.html

Note: Women in Ecommerce™ promotes both Clickbank and Paydotcom products with equally good results. However, we have found that promoting our members individual programs and services reaps the greatest rewards both financially and professionally. If you have an affiliate program and product that would be of interest to women who do business on the web, feel free to send us your information. We would be happy to review it and see if it is a good fit to promote on our Website.

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