Elizabeth Kahn, Health Coach

Elizabeth Kahn is a Health Coach with Optavia.   According to Elizabeth “I had been sick for years and finally needed a kidney transplant in August of 2000.  After the transplant I developed high cholesterol, high blood pressure, became obese and suffered from depression and anxiety.”  After many attempts to lose the weight she found Optavia. After successfully losing 60 lbs, her cholesterol and blood pressure improved, she had more energy and decided she wanted to help others. Her passion is helping people obtain Optimal Health.  She works with people to determine WHY they want to get healthy and guides them to that goal.  To do this she teaches healthy habits and helps her clients choose healthy alternatives that lead to lifelong transformations.  Elizabeth grew up in Farmington Hills, Michigan and currently lives in Sunrise, FL with her husband Jeremy.

OPTAVIA offers four components to support you as you begin your journey toward Lifelong Transformation, One Healthy Habit at a Time.

Your OPTAVIA Coach™ guides and supports you throughout your journey to Optimal Health™ & Wellbeing.

As a coach Elizabeth will guide you through the Habits of Health and help you  develop healthy new habits and make healthy choices that lead to lifelong transformation. She will keep you accountable and will help you celebrate all the little victories that add up to the big ones!

The Habits of Health

The Habits of Health system will help you learn and adopt new healthy habits in bite-sized pieces we call micro habits, which lead to Lifelong Transformation, One Healthy Habit at a Time™. Developed by OPTAVIA co-founder, Dr. Wayne Andersen, The Habits of Health is an innovative lifestyle approach that gets your mind and body working together to work for you. It helps you replace unhealthy habits with healthy ones that contribute to your long-term success.

Our OPTAVIA Community

Our OPTAVIA Community will support you alongside your Coach. When you’re part of OPTAVIA, you’re part of a community of like-minded, like-hearted people who support each other through and through. Our community offers many forms of support including live and recorded video conferences and calls, nutrition support, client-focused groups, online help and much more. When you succeed, your transformation will be an inspiration to others. You can show others the way by paying it forward so they can also transform their lives. We believe in your potential, and we help you build a life around what matters to you most.

Our Scientifically Proven Fuelings and Plans

OPTAVIA works because it’s simple and easy to follow. Our proven Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® jumpstarts your optimal weight journey. Five of your daily meals are OPTAVIA Fuelings. You’ll choose from more than 60 delicious, convenient, nutritionally interchangeable, scientifically-designed Fuelings. Your body will enter a gentle, but efficient fat-burning state, essential for losing weight. Each Fueling contains high-quality protein which helps retain lean muscle mass, and a patented probiotic, GanedenBC30®, which helps support digestive health. Our proprietary products and programs are based on more than 37 years of experience, have been used by more than 1 million Clients and recommended by more than 20,000 doctors since 1980. In addition to five Fuelings per day eaten every 2 to 3 hours, you’ll learn another healthy habit, how to make a lean and green meal for you and your family. When you know what optimal nutrition looks like, healthy eating becomes second nature.

Elizabeth is a Platinum Member of Women in Ecommerce. You can connect with Elizabeth at Get Healthy with Elizabeth on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ gethealthywithelizabeth or through her Website: http://eandj.optavia.com/eandj