Our February Website of the Month is The Merry Bird owned by Kristine Sheehan. She has helped me create stunning Facebook fanpages for clients and is working on rebranding Women in Ecommerce on Facebook. When it is finished you will be the first to know!
In the meantime here’s a little bit about Kristine and The Merry Bird Designs:
Kristine Sheehan is a freelance graphic designer and owner of www.TheMerryBird.com Designs. Previous experience working for a publishing company led her to design hard and soft book covers. Her education in Art led her to become a freelance graphic artist and business owner.
She has been an official online entrepreneur since 2006. Today, working with authors and business owners, she creates book covers, logo’s, ad design and other web related pages for TheMerryBird Designs.
You can find Kristine and TheMerryBird.com Designs on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheMerryBird.Designs or on twitter @TheMerryBird and @TMBdesigns