Here are the Women in Ecommerce Top Picks for Technology this week (and a complimentary Whitepaper)

Top 10 viral videos of all time according to ad age
A little over five years ago, YouTube ushered in a new genre of video advertising, one that succeeded on its ability to rise above a world of pet tricks and backyard stunts, to entertain and to be passed around. Call them “viral” videos, super-sized TV ads, branded videos or just plain commercials, a few of them have crossed a significant psychic milestone: 100 million views and counting. Read more at Adage

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3 Things Any Video Needs to Go Viral
Marketers are investing millions of dollars in creating branded video content, from webisodes to viral videos to extended commercials. Why? To engage audiences with authentic, inspiring, entertaining content, and to encourage those viewers to share that content with their friends.
Branded video content works. Recent research conducted by Vizu revealed that viral video can be highly effective in driving purchase intent.
Read more on Mashable

10 Technological Advances Marketers Can’t Live Without

Inventions have changed the face of advertising consistently throughout history and will continue to do so, as technology evolves at an ever-increasing rate. The creation of new forms of media, from radio to TV and the internet, have caused the industry to create new strategies and tools to help brands find their own optimal media mix. This week, as the ANA hosts its inaugural Digital and Social Media Conference, we take a look at 10 technological advances that marketers of today and tomorrow cannot ignore. Read more at Adage

Why it Still Pays to Have a Site
Can you be successful without a site? I think so. However, having a site gives you a more stable foundation,
and still creates more opportunities than if you didn’t have one. When you have a site, you have control.
You don’t have to adhere to the policy guidelines of any third-party platform. If Facebook decides to shut its
Pages down (as Yahoo did with GeoCities, for example), you still have your own site that they can’t touch.
For that matter, having your own site certainly lends credibility to your brand.”  Read more at WebProNews

What Marketers Can Learn From Facebook “Unfriending” Study
Named 2009 “Word of the Year” by the New Oxford American Dictionary, “Unfriend” is used as a verb and the official definition is “To remove someone as a ‘friend’ on a social networking site such as Facebook.”  What does it take to be removed as a ‘friend’?   The answers are hardly surprising.  Those things that pretty much get you ostracized at a cocktail party, are considered to be poor online behaviors as well. Read more at Hubspot

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