April 14, 2011
“You can reach out to all the potential customers with the help of autoresponder. Every minute and every day around the globe a company is likely using an autoresponder system to stay ‘top of mind’ with their website visitors and clients.” Heidi Richards Mooney
In case you don’t know what it is, an autoresponder is a system (a computer program) that is set up to automatically send a certain message or series of messages (created by the marketer) for a specific purpose ie. to stay in front of prospects and website visitors. Autoresponders allow you to specify a text message that will be automatically delivered to whomever either gives you there email via an opt-in form or other permission based device. Autoresponders are also used automatically reply to e-mails with a predefined message. Autoresponders are great for replying with news, company information, product and service offers, and promotional information about a company or individual. They can be used to disseminate course material such as e-courses and tutorials over a period of time.
One of the greatest benefits of using autoresponders is that they save you time and money while building relationships. Using the proper sytem you can follow up automatically with your customers and potential customers. On the internet, building relationships happens through offering information that your prospective customer needs. Creating a newsletter, a blog, a free report series, an online course, or providing other valuable information in short segments, over time, builds trust with your potential customers or clients. This process is made simple by using a professional autoresponder. You can read more about autoresponders in my article: How Autoresponders Improve Your Online Marketing
Building relationships is the key to success with autoresponders as it is with any online venture albeit social media, your newsletters, your website or other online venture. Don’t rely entirely on the “system” to promote your business. But do take advantage of what it CAN do for your business.
It goes without saying, we are all busy. That is why Women in Ecommerce™ uses autoresponders as a communication tool to remind members of all the benefits they receive when they joined and for whatever reason may not yet have taken advantage of. WE know that when these benefits are used, WECAI has a much greater chance of 1. keeping our members engaged 2. retaining our members and 3. recruiting new members.
What other benefits could you/your company derive from using Autoresponders?
Recent blog posts include: 7 Ingredients to The Perfect Website Homepage ~ What Your Website Traffic Can Tell You (our monthly CinchCast) ~ Search Engine Optimization And Why You Need it and More. Read these at http://bit.ly/WECAIBlog .
In this issue:
Nominate Your Favorite Woman in Ecommerce!
WECommerce News Top Ten Resources, Tips and FRE^EBies this week
READ THE APRIL ISSUE of WECommerce News for Busy Women on the Go !
Warmest regards,
Heidi Richards Mooney, Publisher, WE Magazine for Women, Founder & Chief Visionary www.WECAI.org, Social Media/Internet Mentor & More