WECommerce News – News for BUSY WOMEN on the GO!
“What we truly and earnestly aspire to be, that in some sense we are. The mere aspiration, by changing the frame of the mind, for the moment realizes itself.” –Anna Jameson
Yesterday I had the opportunity to interview Michele Scism author of How to Makeover Your Business in Six Weeks or Less! She was a wonderful guest and shared a wealth of information. Mostly she shared herself, her authenticity and her passion. Passion for helping women to reach their potential and grow their business. You will be able to read about some of her tips on the Women in Ecommerce Blog in the next few days… But you don’t have to wait for that. If you are a new business owner or want a “motivational shot in the arm” I suggest you listen to Michele’s advice. You can listen here: https://s3.amazonaws.com/GrowingSmallBusiness/HowtoMakeoverYourBusiness.mp3
Special thanks to our exhibitors Priscilla Marotta et al from My Picture Teddy Bear (www.mypictureteddybear.com), Chris DeRose of DeRose Technologies (www.derosetechnologies.com ), Riki Ascherman of Definitive Resources (www.def-res.com) and of course Sonia Jacobson of Dress For Success (www.suitedforsuccess.org ) for their support and attention. Scroll down to see upcoming events both in person and virtually.
Enjoy! And if you have any resources, article links and news you’d like to share with our readers, be sure and let me know by replying to this message.
In this issue:
WE Magazine for Women is looking for a few good WOMEN
Looking for a few Good Women
Upcoming eBook Opportunity
WECommerce News Top Ten Resources, Tips and FRE^EBies this week
Words You May not Know…
You can check out this issue by clicking on the banner at the top of this article or clicking here: Wecommerce News July 24, 2010 . WE look forward to continuing to provide you with the latest in news and information to help you GROW your business online and off.
Warmest regards,
Heidi Richards Mooney, Publisher, WE Magazine for Women, Founder & Chief Visionary www.WECAI.org , Social Media Muse & More