WECAINewsS700x150NewHeader2015“When You Stand in the light, be sure and shine the light on others.” Linda Pereira 

That is just one of the many thoughts expressed at the Women of Wisdom Global Conference that took place March 4-8 in Cascais, Portugal. In fact, every speaker shared wonderful wisdom and quotes everyone in attendance could resonate with. Carolina Almeida Cruz said, “You are the size of your dreams.” Nancy allen shared, “Maximizing your passion in a specific area can land yourself in rewarding places.”  “The best example you can give to your children is yours,” were the wise words of Ana Cristina Guilherme. Diana Dentinger said “Needs cannot be judged, they just are!  Live and satisfy yours to feel energized.” In addition to the above, other speakers who also shared incredible nuggets of wisdom include: Farzanah Mall, Esther Da Silva Liska, Madalena Queiros, Marco Fernandes, Ph.D., and Maria Petrak.

In fact, the entire event had many moments of wisdom, sharing and giving. Every part of the event made delegates feel energized, special and filled with inspiration. In case you missed it, here is a Recap of The Women Of Wisdom Conference:

It was a truly amazing experience personally and professionally.Every woman who attended made many new friends. The event was intimate enough to really get to know one another and large enough to make an impact. We attended workshops, shared meals, danced, saw amazing sites and created new opportunities for the future.

During the conference we signed the new charter for the Global Council of Women in Leadership founded by our event host, Linda Pereira, President of CPL Events and the WECAI Global Liaison to Europe. She invited several women to be a part of the steering committee including Diana Dentinger from Italy, Suzanne Letourneau from Canada, Farzanah Mall from South Africa, Maria Petrak from Austria, Nancy Allen and myself (from the USA) to create this newly-formed organization whose primary mission is to support the implementation of parity and equality for women globally. A big job, I know. But we are women, we can do it. If you are interested in being involved, drop me a line. I will be happy to tell you more. In fact, our first official meeting of GCWIL is scheduled for Early March 2016 and will take place in conjunction with our European Conference next year being co-hosted by Glow Woman’s group in Porto, Portugal. So save the date March 2-6 and also save March 3-7, 2017 for our next Global conference taking place in Brazil.

You can view a few of the pictures of our event in our gallery: www.WomenofWisdomConference.com/gallery/

Here is the video of the Gala where we honored the following women with the Global Golden Mouse Awards:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2U9YjsQZ3Q&feature=youtu.be

  • Isabel Martins received the Marketing Partner of the Year Award
  • Marco Fernandes, Municipality Partner Award
  • Maria Petrak received the Global Ambassador of the Year Award
  • Linda Pereira received the Chapter Leader of the Year Award
  • Idalia Freitas received the Invisible Goddess (Unsung Hero) Award

Special thanks to all our Sponsors for making the event a five-star experience. We could not have done it without the support of the following companies: The Mayor of Cascais, CPL Events, South Africa Natonal Convention Center, Gala dos Eventos, Contarea, Essencia Completa, Glow Woman clube, Holmes Place, Eugenio Campos, L & I Com, bedriven, Hotel Cascais Miragem, Pasteis de Belem and Murraceira.

On International Women’s Day – March 8th, several delegates participated in a community service project at:
Here is the video with photos of that day’s events: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2V-gNOJ-k0c&feature=youtu.be

To read more about the day, and other news read the Entire Newsletter here: https://s3.amazonaws.com/WECAIPDFS/WECommerceNewsAPRIL2015.pdf


1.    Member Exclusive – How to Create and Deliver Free Coaching Sessions that Result in New Clients –Download in the Member Dashboard under  e-Tutorials

2.    Member Exclusive (Gold, Platinum, Lifetime) 7 New WordPress Plugins for Lead Generation available to download in the Member Dashboard under Software

3.    48 FRE.E Stock Photo Graphic Sites – Great for blog posts!  http://redheadmarketinginc.com/resource-of-the-day-33-free-stock-photo-graphics-sites/

Download the Newsletter for 6 other FREE Resources:  https://s3.amazonaws.com/WECAIPDFS/WECommerceNewsAPRIL2015.pdf

Upcoming events:

Thursday, May 14, 2015 – How to Leverage Social Media to Get on the Radar of Decision Makers, presented by Heidi Richards Mooney – Social Media Strategist, Author, Corporate Trainer. If you are in South Florida, learn more and register here: https://wecai.org/11227/how-to-leverage-social-media-to-get-on-the-radar-of-decision-makers .

Check out the International Conscious Women Online Event Celebrating Acceptance, Awareness and Acknowledgement presented by Platinum Member Sue Davey. 24 Amazing speakers, one purpose. To Empower Women. The event took place March 23-27 and you can listen to the replays when you visit this link: International conscious Community.

Support our Sponsors & Advertisers:

  • Laurina Anderson – The Energy Shifter is offering a Free phone session to Access your goals and visions. Visit www.TheEnergyShifter.com to learn more about Laurina and how she helps clients.
  • Big Chef Gourmet Market offers 10% off when you mention WECAI. Visit www.BigChefOnline.com  today.

*To advertise in our monthly newsletter, send a message to heidi@wecai.org  – (members:$25 per issue up to 50 words Non-members $35 per issue). Distribution 15,000 ++ via email plus via social media – reach of 55K+.

That’s all for this issue!

To Sharing Your Light with Others,
